Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Every day I get the bus I listen to my ipod and every day I have to untangle my headphones, this takes me about five minuets each day twice a day. I could save this time buy stowing them in the little bag provided but that will mean I listen to my ipod for an extra 10 minuets a day which would ruin my recharge cycle. so I guess I’ll just have to put up with the untangling and occasional bumping into people on the way to the bus.

On the way home I met up with a friend (a fiancé of an acquaintance I knew from school who I have become friends with over many months of bus travel) I was not to tired so I struck up a conversation at the stop, like a fool I continued this conversation on the bus (it was a good to begin with about hours and jobs and that but it degenerated into talking about the black clouds and when they would open drenching us). As this conversation drew to its natural close the trouble started. What does one do when the talking stops? Carry on regardless to fill the time? Obviously no. sit there in comfort and enjoy the bus ride? Don’t make me laugh (sorry). I opted to sit there not acknowledging the presence of my former conversie but not looking out of the window in case she thought I was blanking her I chose a spot and stared at it just keeping her in my field of view and not listening to my ipod so if the conversation reignited I would not be left out. My neck hurt and I missed a particularly snazzy sports car but after a wile her stop came up and I got on with my ipod.

For the record as I got of the bus it did not rain on me. It hailed.


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