Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Old grass

I like old people I really do, they are wise funny pragmatic and many other virtuous attributes. Obviously I only say this (I do actually believe it but I only say it here) because of what I am about to say (and what I said in a previous entry). I understand why old people move so slow, I understand why old people sit at the front of the bus, I even understand why old people take so long to carry out the normally fairly speedy transaction of buying a ticket. However one thing seams to have slipped through the net that is my comprehension (your comprehension may be abit out of whack at the mo cos of my appalling sentence structure) is why when it takes them so long to get on, buy the ticket, and sit down why o why o why do they then spring up immediately as the bus stops and take an age to get off the bus. These people were young once they know we go to the back of the bus so they can sit on the front cos it harder for them to move around, they know that they get the best seats and half fairs and make the bus late due to dithering. The least they can do is wait for us people who have jobs to be late for to get off before they do.

At the bus stop on the high street today was not unusual in that there were a lot of people waiting for the bus so it took abit of time to fill. What was unusual is that an old lady got up when the bus stopped waddled very slowly (not in a funny way in a heart wrenching way cos you could tell she was putting a hell of a lot of effort into it and in quite abit of pain) to the post box at the stop and then got back on the bus. It made me feel very lucky with my mobility. (oh big tone shift there wasnt it)

No old people on the way home. It was a sunny day very pleasant in temperature and ambiance so at the point of me getting off the bus I decided that I would mow the lawn tomorrow, I looked forward to getting up early getting dressed in gardening clothes dusting down the trusty mower after its annual hibernation unfurling the cherry red cord and setting out to my first cut of the spring I would get all those dandy lions probably have to empty the box 2 or 3 times my reward would be a newly cut lawn and that smell of freshly cut grass I could almost smell it as I turned the corner. My dad was mowing the lawn. (that actually happened)


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