Thursday, May 04, 2006

Private scratch I wish

Imagine if you will a length of twine or string with a loop in it now picture it bigger and made out of tarmac, there you have the bus station at work. Every day after work I get to my stop about five minuets before the bus is supposed to arrive (the bus actually arrives between five and half past) and everyday the number 1 to broomhill or sumsuch approaches the station, on the opposite spur of twine to the one my bus uses to get to my stop, but because it is the only other bus route that uses the same model as my bus I think for one fleeting moment that maybe due to roadworks/ bureaucracy /driver incompetence my bus may for once be on time and I may arrive home in good time. Again today no such luck

On the way into work I as usual paid my £5.10 fair with a £10 note and 10 pence this time the new driver said that he would give me my change at the end of the ride. The ride finished uneventfully I walked to the driver and asked for the change he took out a role of £5 notes I watched everyone get on the bus and pay (7 people as it was not a peak time ride) not one used a £5 note that means that he had many of these notes when I got on but just did not want to give me them. I have no doubt that he was an evil man with no good in his heart.

On the way home the battery died on my ipod so the journey was quite odd. The light that says bus stopping was stuck on which is fine for people like me who did not have ipods on but for every one else it must have been quite confusing for a good 15-20 minuets. I dont have crabs but I do on occasion scratch my genitals (testicles and penis) when I have a day of work I spend about 1 hour 20 minuets on the bus that is 6% of my day so naturally I rarely but sometimes scratch myself on the bus. Today was one of those times but today I managed to do it when the only other person on the bus (an old learned man I would call Leonard) was watching me. What are the chances? I spend a lot of my day not being watched I spend most of my bus ride not being watched but the one time during the day that I indulge in a scratch I am being observed and judged.


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