Tuesday, May 16, 2006

tunnel vision

What makes you most tense on the underground? Is it the heat the overcrowding? Maybe it’s the scruffy man with the bulging bag and energetic eyes. Well I managed to put these minor concerns to the back of my mind and enjoy the unique delight of the tube. That is of course until when some one left there seat and the person nearest did not take it. Why why would you do that? you are on a train with loads of people standing up so very little space many people are hot tired and pissed off sue to the veal like conditions, but you my friend are not even courteous enough to alleviate the crowding by taking a seat, how hard is it to sit down? Many people do it automatically to some it is almost preferable to sit rather than stand for the duration of travel. Are you oblivious of the trouble you are causing well let me lay it out for you: you are the closest to the seat after you there are three other people who are equidistant and all covet that seat they need to weight a sufficient amount of time to make it clear that they are recognising your first dibs status but have to sit soon enough so as the others does not get there first. Can you not see the tension building up in these people? If you are not able to site for some unfortunate knee of hip reason the least you could do is select some one to usher to the seat thus elevating the standing congestion and seat tension. You my friend are a fo’.

Now the tube is underground and as such need means for getting the people from above ground where most people spend a lot of there time to below the surface where most tube trains spend a lot of there time. There are two main systems that they employ the escalator and stairway (you may be familiar with one or both of these) in rush hour there are a lot of people in a rush to many for the escalators alone to cope with so cues form for the escalator, yet curiously there are no cues for the stairs. Who decided that it is preferable to cue for an escalator rather than use the stair? Probably the Muppet that decided the escalator is a ride.


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