Friday, June 09, 2006

Thirst mistake

Today I took the bus to the bus station in town, twice, it was a hot day so I decided to quench my thirst by buying the over priced environmentally unfriendly lukewarm water in the bus station shop. The first attempt was an abject failure I picked up my water joined the cue at which point my bus pulled up, no worries I thought Its just pulled up there is a big cue of people ready to get on the bus and a small cue of people waiting to buy snacks, publications and beverages. I was wrong there was a need to worry what I didn’t account for was the ineptitude of the cashiers and the multinationalisum of the clientele. You can imagine what happened confused people tried to buy wildly overpriced produce ignorant cashiered tried to communicate with them, it wasn’t a pretty sight. So as time progressed the bus cue got shorter and shorter, the shop cue stayed the same length and I learned about Rooney’s foot. It came to the point that I had to make the decision of course I put my water back in the “cooler” and boarded the bus, which I sat in for a full five minuets before it pulled out.

On my second trip to the station now even hotter and thirstier I again attempted to buy the water, I’ll tell you now that I got the water, but not without some palaver. When I entered the shop one other man was in there he picked up an oasis (open poor be yourself once more) orange and mango (or something) drink, and took it to the counter. I picked up my bottle of water (Malvern it’s been filtered through the aqueduct under an impenetrable lave flow for 5000 years you know) stood behind the man at the till thus forming a cue. The man presented his oasis to the cashier who informed him that oasis drinks cost £1.80 he then said “no fanta fruit twists cost £1.20 look it says there” he then pointed to a sign which proved him right fanta fruit twists does indeed cost £1.20. this confused me and the cashier then the cashier supervisor said no sir that is an oasis (he didn’t mention the slogan) now the man is confused, he was one off those people who had planed ahead and realised that to buy stuff you need money so had got the correct change out so he now need to get more money out. It turns out that all the rest of the money he has is in coppers which he takes great jollity in counting out, apparently this is a really fun game which I had not been aware off before as both the cashier and cashier’s supervisor also enjoy it very much. Finally the correct monies are exchanged for goods received. The man departs I take his place and pay for my water the supervisor makes a joke about the mental state of the cashier and I laugh. All this for 250ml.


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