Friday, September 29, 2006

Tip Top Stop

in previous blog entrees i have already explained to configuration of my bus stop at work so for the sake of brevity i shall only embellish this description with important facts and not repeat it all (it is very important that this blog is brief fact full and does not contain any extraneous information). The shopping centre where i work is at the apex of this loop the bus enters the bottom left of the loop and my stop is on the bottom right. Every day the bus drives into the bus station bit goes right past the shopping center and on to my stop, when it stops we all get off and walk along the road we just came down towards the shopping centre (think of the carbon would someone please think of the carbon).

Today there was one bus at a stop near the top of the apex and another behind it blocking our way to our stop. we sat there for a good two minutes before someone of grate ingenuity (myself) realised that we could get off here and save ourselves some time. i stood up from my seat at the back of the bus and strode purposefully towards the driver poked my head round his little perspex wall broke the only rule on that very perspex wall and asked if i could get of at this point ( to relax him i employed chummy vernacular) bowled over by my charm he of course acquiesced, and of course the other passengers followed me like the sheep they apeare to be.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


There was a dog on the bus today. It was a Toy Poodle.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sugar water

As the bus pulled in to my destination I was surprised and intrigued by a new garishly illuminated 7 foot high block that had been placed next to my stop. On closer inspection it turned out to be a chilled beverage dispenser one of those with a glass frontage in order to display the array of drinks available to me. Time was getting on so I decided that I should proceed to work as the bus was already late and my laboured scrutiny of this addition to my environment was not making me any less late.

Throughout my shift my mind wandered I thought about many a thing; world politics, the rise of China, Thundercats, my magsafe power adapter and if I would ever finish that book I have been carrying around for months. As my shift progressed and my thirst increased naturally my thoughts turned to that garish machine. I considered the array of drinks on offer, I could opt for the health and to my mind satisfying bottle of overpriced and environmentally disastrous spring water. I could chose the unfeasible popular cola drink (which I despise so I quickly banished that though from my mind) the totally tropical taste of lilt was becoming and quite tempting, if I decided on that I would have been dismissing the relative newcomers to the drinks market those still fruit infused spring water drinks. That was it my palette would be whisked away to a tropical beach via the totally tropical taste of lilt. That decision made I could get on with thinking about thundercats and selling things to people.

The drinks machine was out of order.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Today i found out what it was like to be a celebrity and it's no picnic let me tell you. as i walked to the bus stop i noticed that i would not be waiting for my bus alone, there was a bloke standing by the shelter smoking (you need to be 16 or over to smoke). he was walking around so i chose to stand in my normal spot and lean. after a wile leaning and looking down the road he turned to me and said "you work in that **** shop don't you?" so i flashed him my shirt and replied in the affirmative. he then proceeded to talk to me about the products that we sell. i don't really know much about or use the products we sell be as it is my job i managed to bluff my way through it quite well i think. He then as everyone who speaks to me started to say that the bus should be here by now so i as i always do told him that it is always late and not to worry. the bus came our conversation ended i got my usual ticket and he got a child's single to the bus station (you have to be 14 or under to get a child's ticket).

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Stormin Gordon

There is a hurricane on the way. hurricane Gordon. on the bus today i saw how the British for the storm. when a storm is on the way hatches get battened in the dominican republic, loved ones gather together in cuba, in florida they collect supplies and wait of the inevitable. we clean drains.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Stand (but don't deliver)

I like to stand, who doesn't? i like to stand almost as much as i like to sit. i often stand in nice places and admire the view or stand in quite places and contemplate. i even sometimes stand in interesting places and observe. i feel you now know how much i like to stand.

in-spite of this frankly freakish amount of standing i do i have to draw the line and not stand at some times and places, these times are when i do not need the bus and the place is the bus stop. not everyone on earth is of a similar mind to me unfortunately. today some one was standing at a stop (a stop only used by the bus that i was on) the bus drew up and stopped at which point the woman for it was a woman, informed the driver that she did not need the bus! it was not even a particularly nice stop. if it had been my stop i would have understood. my stop has trees and grass. this stop has houses and asphalt. the bus carried on and luckily for her was slightly early.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pane pain

windows windows windows, they are such a marvelous invention they allow us to see if the bus is crowded, allow us to see when our stops are approaching us (stop do no approach us we approach them but from the vantage of the moving bus it appears that we are still and they are moving) allow the sunlight in on a clear day (akin to the ride this morning) and protect us from the wind and drizzle of this afternoon, that is of course if they are closed.

this afternoon they were not closed. This was obvious to all on the but, all but two, the two sitting next to the open window. on the bus there is a selection of seat some with bells some in close proximity to the front and some next to windows that open. if you sit near a bell you do not have to reach far for said bell but you must accept people leaning near you (a small price to say), if you sit near the front you do not have to walk far when boarding and alighting but must keep alert for elderly (more responsibility but more reward) if you sit next to the window you have to opportunity of cooling down on a hot day but if and when dampness descends you must close the windows for the confront of fellow travelers. not doing such is a dereliction of duty. the responsibility is similar to that of the tall but cheap airline passenger who requests a seat near the emergency exit, they cannot claim not to have noticed the aviation disaster that they have just endured and not open the exit.

today two people did not close the window allowing rain and wind in the bus this was not pleasant to anyone present. fortunately a lady got up and closed the window but not before shooting them a well deserved dirty look. they did not even notice that.