Thursday, October 05, 2006

Disk crash

today something horrible happened, my ipod broke, again.(it's fixed now) so ever the practical person i decided that for entertainment on the bus i would investigate that strange grey device in the corner of my room. it turned out to be a c.d. player. a c.d. player is like an ipod but larger takes aa batteries the kind you put as we in remotes) and played those shinny disks which we use to transport music from shops to the computer. as we all know c.d.'s as those disks are called do not contain as much music as an ipod but it is a pleasurable experience listening to them the main advantage is that after every song you don't have to take it out of your pocket and look at the screen just incase the next song is rubbish.

on the way in there was a delay and we waited at the lights for quite sometime as we approached it become clearer that there had been some kind of accident. this caused the chat level on the bus to increase as we got closer still the general murmured consensus was that someone had driven off the bridge that goes over our road the Northern woman at the back left pointing out the concrete on the road and the fatter woman at the front citing the windscreen in the bushes. so confident in our knowledge of events the mummer settled down into a contented hum. as we drove under the bridge something beautiful happened the entire bus turned around and looked at the bridge and in unison let out a collective sound of vindication (which i have not hear before (or since but to be fair it has only been 8 hours ago)) as it emerged that indeed someone had driven off the bridge. the bloke 3 seats in front of me looked for to long then noticed that we had all turned to face the front and in essence him, he was embarrassed.


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