Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry christmas

on the way home as i gave the driver my ticked i took my first tentative steps into the festive season and wished him a merry christmas. he did not great this with the warmth and good humor i had expected. slightly deflated i made my way to my seat and dwelt on the situation.

After a few brief minutes of contemplation i realised my mistake. i should have wished him a merry christmas as i exited the bus not as i boarded, by wishing someone a merry christmas you are automatically assuming that you will not see that person again before that day. in all probability i would see that driver again as i exited the bus. by wishing him a merry christmas on entry i was implying that i would not be exiting the bus in a normal fashion and leaving the implication that he is a bad driver. and would crash the bus forcing me to leave it via an emergency exit or more likely by being thrown through the windows. it would be inappropriate to wish anyone a merry christmas in these circumstances and the christmas cheer would probably be drowned out. i offer this not as entertainment, but as a warning. chose you merry christmases carefully. i hope i don't get him again till the new year.


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