If you ride the same bus route often enough you start to have built up quasi friendships with certan drivers, exchanging plesantries and the occasional humourus comment with them. It may seam that this is an agreable way for one to carry out the daily commute, and it would be if it were not for the inevitable yang to this blissful ying. while certan drivers could be considered friends others are undoubtably enamies these drivers sneer when they are not handed the exact fair and break in an uncooth and abrasive manner.
today i had one of the nice drivers (the one who missed my stop twice previously.) since that incident we have often exchanged nods and laughs. he was driving a different bus today, slightly shorter and older than the standard with less seats and more rickety hand rails.
At university the main form of bus on my route was of the bendy variety these had two exit points. the front door from which we all boarded and the back door. The seat i prefered was on the back right just behind the set of four seats. that seat was closest to the back door, a door exactly the same as the front door except that it was closer to many seats and once the passengers had exited the bus it took less time for them to get home. for some reason the drivers did not like to open these doors so in order to get out of these exits once bell had been rung we had to stand up by the door befor the bus had stopped. most of the time it oppened but sometimes we had to use the emergency escape button.
since university i have continued the habbit of rining the bell getting up from my seat and moving towards the door befor the bus stops. today i did not differ from this routine, i rang the bell, got up, walked to the front, popped a headphone out thanked the driver he joked with me, i then turned round and walked in to the door. ouch.
one lane on the duel caraway from where i work to the main road has been coned off.
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