Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Winter cleanout

Busses run on their own schedule and not mine, for some reason. As a result of this i have to wait at stops for them to appear. As a busy on the go type of chap i loath to consider this brief hiatus in my daily activities as down time, so often carry out location nonspecific day to day tasks. Today was no different. As i was by a bin i took to opportunity to sort out the crap in my wallet. I took out all the receipts that had accumulated over time and sorted them into ones that i needed to keep and ones that i could discard. It turned out that the all fell into the latter category. So there i stood wallet in one hand pieces of dog eared paper invaluable to the id thief in the other. A bus did not suddenly start up a bird did not flit into my field of vision there is no simple explanation to it, but i then threw my wallet into the bin. i did not mean to do this. I will end todays blog here because the events that follow are to ignominious to recount.


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