Sunday, January 14, 2007


Tea the very sound and shape of that word is relaxing, it is a truly wonderful drink that forever conects gread britan with her collonial past. But today tea rather than brining me relaxation Tea became the envoy of stress.

there was a bus in the ushual bus bay so as often happens the bus parked in the bay behind necessitating the movement of about 15 people from one stop to the other each trying to gain a place or two in the cue all the wile trying desperatly to look nonselant as if they were simply moveing toward the bus and not engaging in a PETTY strugle for statusand and comfort. fortunately i was late and walking towards the stop so got to the head of the cue, HA take that plebs.

upon taking my usual seat i noticed something unusual a cup from a tea shop on the floor. no problem i thought as i picked it up to put it in the bin. there was a problem however it was full. so i quickly set it back down moved closer towards the window. fill cups of tea and moving busses with 20 year old suspension do not make good bedfellows, this is the fact that i was all to aware of a fact that kept me in a perpetual state of vigilance, and terror while trying to project an air of detached serenity (i think i did it quite well). i got to my stop without the teat spilling and left it for some other sucker.


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